Digging Deeper
My ceramic work now has 2 ‘arms’ - functional and non-functional. I genuinely love doing both and am aware that one very much feeds the other and vice versa. My inspirations for both stem from the same place, which is only natural seeing as it’s all from me.
After having some amazing responses to my recent sculptures, I have decided that I would like to dig deeper into my subject for these and push through my creative barriers to develop them further. I think that we all experience creative barriers that we’ve either imposed on ourselves through limiting mindsets or just because we have become used to a certain way of working. I want to break through some of mine to explore my themes further, challenge my creative capabilities and generally push myself out of my comfort zones for growth. Big talk, I know!
I am going to be doing more experimenting with forms, scales, textures and processes without giving myself any pressure in terms of an outcome - harder than it sounds! I will be exploring further the themes of cathartic rituals and our connective constructs to a higher power as well as communication and expression of emotion. I hope to be trying new methods and generally being braver. I’m sure there will be lots of testing and failing, doing things without a clear vision but this, I feel, is the path to growth.
I have set up a new Instagram account so that I can share it all with you. I hope that by documenting my creative endeavours it may help others to knock down barriers or creative blocks…..or just to entertain you with my efforts. Hopefully we can help each other by sharing ideas- either here through my blog, or over on ‘The Gram’ I will be sharing the good, the bad and the ugly. Yes, I am even open to ‘ugly’, as long as it’s cool.
If you’d like to follow my progress , all the ups and downs and join the conversation then please do follow my new Instagram account @dianegriffinart