2022, what a year!
I’m sat here on a very grey January day trying to get my thoughts around plans for the coming year, and decided it would be a good idea to reflect on how 2022 went. I don’t usually do this very formally and am not great at celebrating the wins or acknowledging the challenges. As I get older though, I am getting better at taking time to reflect on past experiences rather than keep planning ahead for new ones. I do like to plan!
So here I will share some of the highs and lows of the rollercoaster that was 2022.
It started with a massive high as I had my work exhibited at Collect Art Fair, the leading international fair for craft and design held in London’s Somerset House. I have visited Collect for many years and am beyond proud to have been selected to show there alongside so many extraordinary artists. A definite pinch-me moment!
Group experiments from the 3 day course
Alberto demonstrated many techniques which we then had a go at.
I haven’t been a student attending a workshop since I finished my degree back in 1988 and I would absolutely recommend it. When I saw that the amazing Spanish ceramic artist Alberto Bustos was holding a 3 day workshop in London, I signed up immediately. It was a wonderful relaxed time to explore new techniques with other makers both national and international. (People had travelled from Bali and Portugal for this course). There was something lovely about working in someone else’s studio with no pressure to make anything in particular, just plenty of time to play with materials in a new way. My kind of fun! I came away feeling inspired and grateful for our wonderful ceramic community.
Then the roller coaster dipped with big family challenges. Both of my very elderly parents were critically ill with different things but at the same time. So much of the Spring and Summer were spent on the road visiting them in various trauma units. My siblings and I witnessed some very confronting scenes which definitely made me aware of my strengths and weaknesses. At least they were in the same hospital so we could just hoof it around the corridors to visit both. I think they must both have strong spirits because somehow, with the help of our brilliant NHS they both made extraordinary recoveries.
Happier news arrived and I became a Grandma for the second time. I think my face says it all there - chuffed to bits! As you can see, I’m already training up his big sister to be my studio assistant.
I took part in a number of shows which are always fun. It’s a joy to be among my fellow makers, sharing stories and chatting firing temperatures. My inner ceramics geek gets nourished and I love to meet all the buyers and clay enthusiasts. It’s always such a buzz. I showed at Potfest Compton Verney, and Celebrating Ceramics in Oxford. I was also invited to take part in Delamore Arts event in Devon and a Meet the Sculptors event at Wingates in Market Harborough.
I finished the year on a high by being awarded Selected membership of The Crafts Potters Association after taking a selection of my work to London to present to the judging panel.
The CPA say this : “The aim of the CPA is to promote and encourage the creation of high quality ceramics. Selected membership is a highly regarded title within the studio ceramics industry and is awarded to makers whose work demonstrates a very high technical and aesthetic level of sophistication.” so you can imagine how thrilled I am to have been selected! I *may* have shed a little happy tear when that email came through just before Christmas!
So that was 2022, over all a pretty good year. 2023, let’s go! I am already exploring ideas for another creative break - maybe a painting retreat? That sounds fun! I will continue to test and develop my ceramics and oh yes, I’ve decided to learn Turkish. Güle güle!