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H25 x W20 x D20cm. Porcelain, volcanic glaze.

£750 - SOLD

Volcanic glazed rock-like forms representing ancient spiritual sites, support a stack of paper-like porcelain sheets. The weight and rough texture of the stone forms contrast with the delicate stacked sheets of porcelain which create their own visual pattern as each sheet responds to the one before and it’s place on and around the stones. Both elements supporting and protecting of the other.

Sacred stones around the world hold important spiritual meaning for us. Each religion or belief system has it’s own hallowed sites which fulfill our human desire to have a place for worship or connection to something greater than us. We rely on these places to navigate difficult times in our lives or to celebrate the good ones. Churches, mosques, Stone Henge, the Wailing Wall (Al-Buraq Wall) etc hold great importance for us in connecting to higher energies which in turn sees them maintained and protected. These sites need us as much as we need them.

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