Workshops & Lessons

I am very passionate about clay, (you may have noticed) and love to share the joy by teaching. I have many years experience of teaching all age groups and am now excited to offer workshops and lessons at my fabulous garden studio here in Towcester, Northamptonshire.

If you’ve ever fancied having a go, please check details below for up coming workshops, If you want something different, I can usually tailor lessons & workshops to meet your needs, so do get in touch.


Coiling Workshop



Saturday 18th April 2020 - Cancelled due to Covid19

10am - 2pm

You will use the hand building method of coiling to create your own vessel and experiment with impressing techniques for decoration. It’s up to you what that vessel is…could be a mug or a small planter or something else of your own design using the coiling method. I like to encourage individuality and will demonstrate techniques to inspire your creation.

Tea, coffee & biscuits provided.

Bring a packed lunch.

£55 per person

This includes all materials, firing and glazing of your work. Work will be ready to collect in 2-3 weeks after the workshop. It will be a small group of 4 people so you get plenty of help from me.

To book your place, please follow the link to my shop here.


Beginners Throwing



Saturday 2nd May 2020 - Cancelled due to Covid19


Come and learn how to throw on the potters wheel. I will guide you through the process so you learn how to centre the clay and create simple forms on the wheel.

All pieces finished will be fired and glazed after the session and will be ready to collect in 2-3 weeks.

Tea, coffee & biscuits provided.

I have 1 wheel so if booking for 2 people you will take it in turns, although you still learn a lot while watching your friend /partner have their turn. If you book for 1 person it will be a private lesson.

Price includes all materials, glazing and firings.

£89 for 1 person (private lesson)

£120 for 2 people

To book your place, please follow the link to my shop here


Introduction to Glazing and Firing


Glazing and Firing

Saturday 16th May 2020 - Cancelled due to Covid 19

2pm - 5pm

Learn basic glaze theory and glazing application methods. You will mix and prepare a glaze from scratch following a recipe and apply it to test tiles which will then be fired for you and be ready to collect after 2-3 weeks. You will also learn about packing and firing an electric kiln including understanding the controllers and cones.

This course is aimed at beginners to gain confidence and knowledge around glazing and firing. With no more than 4 people, there will be lots of time for questions and discussion.

Tea, coffee & biscuits provided.

Price includes all materials and firings.

£70 per person

To book your place, please follow the link to my shop here.